
In the higher education institutions in Uzbekistan and Kosovo*, the field of Sustainable Transportation (ST) is inappropriately represented through one general elective course. It is necessary to transfer innovative and newly developed technologies and know-how best practices from the EU to Uzbekistan and Kosovo* HEIs in the field of the ST by developing comprehensive curricula. Experiences from EU HEIs are valuable and necessary for the introduction of the up-to- date courses in curricula. Uzbekistan and Kosovo* HEIs lack the necessary skills to build state-of-the-art laboratories supporting the HE field of the ST. The wider objective of the SPHERE project is to improve the quality of higher education in the field of the ST in line with EU trends, contribution, promotion and popularization of ST, strengthen its relevance for the labour market and society.

The competence-based undergraduate/master curricula will be developed and implemented, after PC will analyse existing ST curricula in EU and Partner countries (PC). After identification of needed laboratory resources in PC HEIs and alignment with recommended EU HEIs laboratory equipment list, laboratory equipment, software and literature units will be purchased and 6 new laboratories will be equipped. Undergraduate/master curricula with a set of at least 70 new courses will be developed and incorporated into 6 undergraduate/master curricula in PC HEIs. Four trainings of 72 PC teaching staff will be organised for acquiring new teaching and learning methods. Training for professionals in the field of transport with at least 10 different stakeholders in the field of transport is planned. Implementation of 12 one-day trainings (2 per PC HEI) for 180 professionals in the field of transport will be conducted. Project exploitation will be done through the accreditation of 5 study programs (4 bachelor and 1 master) and modernization of 1 study program at bachelor level, according to national standards and Bologna Declaration.

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