The Training for teaching staff was hosted by the Technical University of Crete (Greece) at School of Production Engineering and Management in Chania on 9-13 September 2024. The training was chaired by Prof. Dr. Stavroulakis Georgios. The main topics of the training were as follows: – Trainings for professionals in the field of transportation; – Firefighting equipment from MOBIAK; – Creating a corporate culture of innovation or skills required in digital era; – Presentation materials for trainings professionals in the field of transportation at TUC; – Establishment of ST laboratories; – TUC laboratory visit; – Survey for transportation stakeholders in PC; – Climate security assessment of countries; – Crash analysis, computational mechanics and safety; – Preparation catalogue of competences and catalogue of courses; – Training, inspection and technical issues of electrical vehicles; – Preparation training materials for the ST professionals.
During the training, the 1st Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) meeting was held.
The Workshop was hosted by the University of Maribor (Slovenia) at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture on 9-11 of July 2024. The meeting was organized and realized by the UM team: Assoc. Prof. dr. Drago Sever, Assoc. Prof. dr. Marjan Lep. The main goals of the meeting were – according to WP2 and WP1:
• Sustainable mobility as important part of city development policy;
• Cycling as a part of sustainable mobility increase human health Analysis of Key Issues for ST in EU;
• Analysis of Key Issues for ST in PC;
• Analysis of Existing Curricula Related to ST in EU & PC HEIs;
• Identification of Needed Resources for ST Laboratories;
• Introduction with TDG established practices and innovations in PC;
The Kick-off meeting was held at Toshkent Shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti (TTPU), Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on 13th and 14th March 2024. The meeting was organized and realized by the TTPU project team, academic and administrative staff and project coordinator University of Mitrovica (UPKM) team.
The main goals of the kick-off meeting were:
– introduction of the main project activities and contents as well as project work plan, management and monitoring,
– establishment of project bodies,
– introduction of financial and administrative issues in relation with the Erasmus+ projects,
– introduction of the Project website and platform, and
– introduction of all partner institutions which is the main tool for successful team building.