News, Media, Events TTPU - Training in Politecnico di Torino (Italy) TTPU - Visit of Mayor of Turin city to the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent TTPU - Visit of Director of Agency for Technical Regulation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan TTPU - Publication an article in Uzbek newspaper about the influence of new energy vehicles and sustainable transport, including the influence of Sphere project TTPU - Training for teaching staff – teaching methods and best practices related to ST at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain TrSTU - Ecology and sustainable transport UPKM - Week of children safety in traffic JNBNU - Information about project SPHERE and survey for representatives of the transport industry in partner countries Internet JNBU - Information about project SPHERE and survey for representatives of the transport industry in partner countries Internet UNI - LXVIII ETRAN Conference and 11th International Conference IcETRAN Internet TTPU - Workshop on Sustainable Transportation at the University of Maribor (Slovenia) Internet TTPU - Kick-off meeting of the project consortium at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent Internet KIUT - Sustainable transportation within the framework of green deal Internet KIUT - Sustainable transportation within the framework of green deal Internet KIUT - Sustainable transportation within the framework of green deal Internet KIUT - First online meeting of professors and teachers Internet KIUT - Analysis of existing curricula related to Sustainable Transportation Internet Erasmus + project - Inter project coaching meeting Internet Preparatory classes for enrolling FTS (UPKM) Internet